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What Our Customers Say
  • "It is a fantastic opportunity which helps build confidence and gives an early interest in languages and the world around them."

    Parent of Joe age 5

  • "I’m really pleased how well my child is learning a language at nursery. She does all of her numbers at home & tells us what they are."

    Parent of Natalie age 3

  • "My daughter attends a lunchtime club at school and adores it. She is desperate to go on holiday to Spain so she can order an ice cream in Spanish."

    Parent of Alison age 10

  • "I am amazed when Gracie comes out with French words at home, it’s very exciting ! And shows how much they can learn at such an early age."

    Parent of Gracie age 2

  • "Language skills in early development comes naturally and easily, children are more capable of pronouncing unfamiliar sounds and absorb new grammar. For this reason this is why we feel that our children benefit from the Spanish sessions with Helen. It also contributes to them socially and boosts the confidence of some of the more quieter children."

    Lucinda Rumble, Nursery Manager

  • “The programme is such an intuitive and interactive way for the children to learn another language. Our pupils are learning so quickly!”

    Head teacher, Wakefield

  • Parent of Joe age 5
  • Parent of Natalie age 3
  • Parent of Alison age 10
  • Parent of Gracie age 2
  • Lucinda Rumble, Nursery Manager
  • Head teacher, Wakefield